Project Configuration

This page will explain how to set up your game to work with the features present in the YOM UE5 SDK.

Step 1: Enabling the plugins

To enable the necessary plugins for your metaverse project, follow these steps:

  1. Start your metaverse project and navigate to the top menu.

  2. Click on "Edit" and select "Plugins" from the dropdown menu. This will open the Plugins window.

  3. In the search bar within the Plugins window, type 'YOM' to search for the YOM Replicator SDK plugin. If the plugin does not appear, try restarting the editor and repeat this step.

  4. Once you locate the YOM Replicator SDK plugin, enable it by clicking the checkbox next to its name.

  5. Next, search for the GltfRuntime and VaRest plugins in the same manner and enable them by clicking their respective checkboxes.

  6. After enabling the plugins, it is recommended to restart the editor. This allows Unreal to load the plugins properly.

  7. Once the editor is restarted, go to the "Settings" menu located at the top right corner of the Content Drawer.

  8. From the dropdown menu, select "Show Plugin Content." This action will display all the plugin content provided by the Replicator SDK.

Step 2: Setting up the SDK

To configure the YOM Replicator SDK for your metaverse project, follow these steps:

  1. Open the setup screen by navigating to "Tools" in the top menu.

  2. Select "Your Open Metaverse" and then choose "Setup Metaspace." This will open the setup window.

  3. In the setup window, you will find several settings that need to be configured. Here is an explanation of each setting:

    • World (required): This setting determines the persistent level that should be loaded as the world where players will spawn. Choose a level that remains loaded throughout the experience. In case of "Third Person" template, select "ThirdPersonMap".

    • Player Asset (required): This setting defines the asset that players will control within the world. It can be any character or object that allows player interaction. The default character provided by the Your Open Metaverse Plugin is the Yom_BP_ThirdPersonCharacter. Change it from "None" to "Yom_BP_ThirdPersonCharacter".

    • Multiplayer metaspace (enforced): This setting is currently enforced as true, as all single-player experiences are now supported by default as multiplayer.

    • Voice Chat (optional): If enabled, this setting allows players to communicate with each other through voice chat within the experience.

    • Player Inventory (optional): Enabling this setting provides players with an inventory system in the game. The default inventory component provided by the Your Open Metaverse plugin is the YomDefaultInventoryComponent. You can also create your own inventory system using the Advanced Inventory Setup Guide. Change it from "None" to "YomDefaultInventoryComponent"

    • Control hints (optional): If enabled, players will be presented with a control hint screen when they spawn into the game. The default control hints component provided by the Your Open Metaverse plugin is the YomDefaultControlHintsComponent. Change it from "None" to "YomDefaultControlHintsComponent".

    • Allow teleporting (optional): If enabled, players can teleport to and from this metaspace using portals. Portals can be set up by placing a YomDefaultPortal in your scene.

  4. Click "Begin Setup," and if the settings are correctly configured, a message will appear in the bottom right corner, instructing you to restart the editor. Click "Restart" to apply the changes.

  5. After restarting, navigate to Content Drawer -> Content. You should now see a MetaspaceGameMode and a MetaspacePlayer. These assets can be used to add further modifications and behavior to your experience. Note that the Default Pawn Class in the MetaspaceGameMode is intentionally set to None, as the pawn will be loaded into the game via the MetaspacePlayer.

In case you want to make any further adjustments or verify the setup, you can run the setup tool again or manually modify the settings.

World Validation

To configure your maps, go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Maps & Modes. Set the server default map to the desired map (this is the map you picked earlier), and for the game default map, keep at "ClientEntry." This ensures that the specified server map will be loaded when clients join the metaverse.

GameMode Validation

Go to Settings -> World Settings, then configure the GameMode as shown in the provided screenshot. Set the Default Pawn Class to None for proper pixel streaming and player spawning logic.

Last updated