Yield Calculation

With the establishment of the node requirements, node operators can effectively calculate potential earnings, or yield, from participating in the YOM network. This section will delve into how the yield is computed based on the total value locked and operational efficiency of the nodes.

Example Setup

The yield for a node operator is determined by the revenues generated / node investment. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • Value Locked: The investment to become a node operator amounts to $999,-. This total investment is the base from which potential earnings are calculated.

  • Workload / Capacity: Assuming the node is equipped with sufficient hardware to run 6 instances simultaneously, the factor to consider is the actual streaming workload assigned to the node - which varies depending on a lot of factors (e.g. $YRX, ping, latency, disk capacity).

  • Reward Model: The yield or return on investment is calculated based on the $YOM reward model. This model considers factors such as the number of instances a node can support, the difficulty level of the streaming tasks, and the average uptime of the node.

Calculating %APY (Annual Percentage Yield)

The yield is expressed as an annual percentage yield (%APY) which represents the rate of return over a year. Based on the given model:

  • Max Node %APY ($YOM): For a node running at optimal efficiency and maximum capacity, the maximum %APY is calculated at 480%. This represents the best-case scenario where the node is consistently allocated high-demand tasks and operates with minimal downtime.

  • Min Node %APY ($YOM): The minimum %APY, calculated at 72%, represents the baseline return a node operator can expect when operating without receiving any workload.

The actual %APY will be within the presented ranges. Operators should consider these figures in light of their operational capabilities and strategic positioning within the network to maximize their earnings potential. Moreover, staying informed about network demand and adjusting operations accordingly can help in achieving closer to maximum APY figures.

Last updated