To support $YRX, YOM operates under a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) model, which we embedded in the non-profit YOM Foundation. By extension, YOM Foundation combines the vision and non-profit motive of the foundation extended by the collaborative engagement typical of a DAO.
The purpose of the DAO is to govern and decentralize the YOM ecosystem. The ecosystem has three levels of governance: platform governance, creator governance and individual governance. Of the three platform governance is entirely delegated to the DAO.
The thesis here is that as long as one of the governance systems is decentralized, any subsystem will inherit the decentralized properties from this governance system. This way we can retain sovereignty with creators as long as they remain within the boundaries set by the DAO.
Platform Governance
The DAO is responsible for defining and voting on content policies and executing on them. In terms of resources, the DAO received an allocation of 70.000.000 $YOM. The DAO assigns elected roles to community members, facilitating effective governance and management of the platform:
Moderators: These individuals are crucial in maintaining the community ethos, empowered to manage community interactions by rewarding positive behavior and addressing violations of conduct.
Commissioners: Serving on the quality assurance committee, commissioners oversee the standards of content and projects within the ecosystem. Their approval is necessary for projects to receive grants and support from the Foundation.
Cardinals: Cardinals play a strategic role by proposing new policies and projects for DAO consideration. They also have opportunities to serve on various committees, including having seats on the council that guides the Foundation’s larger strategic decisions.
The more $YRX you have, the more voting power in the DAO. To increase your rank you have to climb the leaderboard.
Treshold in $YRX | Rank | Description |
T.b.a. | T.b.a. | T.b.a. |
Creator Governance
Regarding the decision-making and moderation within metaverses, brands/studios/artists (creators) will naturally keep sovereignty over anything that happens with and within their metaverse as long as it adheres to the restrictions set by the DAO.
Additionally, creators can further refine which type of content is allowed in their metaverses and which restrictions apply to visiting users. This gives creators the flexibility to create adult experiences, but won't require other creators to apply the same (age-related) restrictions on their content.
Individual Governance
Since individual preferences vary significantly, a DAO alone is not sufficient. Therefore as an additional design principle, users have the ability to block (types of) content within their personal experience and/or apply filters to control what content they may experience.
Last updated