TGE Tokenomics (2025)


Total tokens



Solana (liquidity) + peaq (product)

TGE Price


Initial market cap




  • Ecosystem (17.5%). This pool is reserved for node operators to support their idle node time via a flat payout rate. This pool gets replenished with 10% of continuous node rewards. All transactions from this pool are programmatic and on-chain and serve as a buffer for getting to global coverage.

  • Treasury (30%). The treasury involves all other non-programmatic transactions that have the mission to stimulate adoption towards decentralized cloud compute. This involves payments to get onto exchanges, provide grants to onboard game studios and pay for expenses that bolster YOM’s non-profit mission.

  • OPEX (7,5%). Involves a total grant pool allocated to the team, advisors and OPEX expenses.

  • Community / Burned (30%): This pool is the transfer for our OG holder community who decided to never sell (12 months vesting) and bridge. The tokens that didn't vest/bridge, got burned

  • Public Round (3%). We aim to reserve a small fraction of our supply to cover the marketing costs we spent around the TGE and node rollout.

  • Liquidity pool (7%). The token remainder is reserved for and added to liquidity pools to facilitate trading on DEXs and exchanges.

We apply a 36 months linear lockup on the treasury and ecosystem pools.

Last updated