What is YOM?

YOM is pioneering the first decentralized cloud gaming infrastructure (DePIN), streaming games, immersive experiences, white-label metaverses and entirely new entertainment formats at scale.

Leveraging a distributed network of gaming machines, YOM offers global low-latency near-zero costs cloud gaming to any device and channel, effectively eliminating the need for dedicated game consoles (Xbox, Playstation) and other conversion killers (e.g. Steam, Apple store).

The YOM network provides PC gamers the opportunity to earn $YOM through Proof-of-Gameplay by allocating the resources of their gaming machines to the network. Their machines effectively act as network nodes; handling the demand of our partners (studios, brands, broadcasters) utilizing YOM.

These self-hosted nodes are both a highly profitable (72%-480% APY / license) as well as a green proposition for miners and gamers alike, who by allocating their machines to the network, will complement/compete with the cloud offerings from the likes of AWS, Google and Azure.

DePIN: Fixing Cloud Gaming

The YOM ecosystem, as illustrated in the model, consists of several key components working together:

  1. Node Operators: PC gamers can earn $YOM through Proof-of-Gameplay by allocating their gaming machine resources to the network. These machines act as network nodes, handling demand from partners (studios, brands, broadcasters).

  2. YOM Infrastructure: The core of the system includes Proof of Gameplay smart contracts and Resource Orchestrator, which manage the network's resources of streams through log verification.

  3. Studios, Brands, and Broadcasters: These entities create content and workloads for the network, paying for services in FIAT.

  4. YOM Company: A for-profit entity that receives a portion of the revenues and handles the acquisition of clients on the network.

  5. YOM Foundation: The legal entity that has the non-profit mission to decentralize and democratize the network. It provides strategic incentives to direct the ecosystem towards further decentralization and democratic control.

  6. YOM DAO: The foundation Governs the ecosystem with input from the YOM community.

  7. $YRX and $YOM Tokens: $YRX is a soul-bound token distributed for participating in various activities (including staking $YOM). $YOM underpins the value that the network provides and is tradeable on the market.

Supported by economic models (creator kickback) and ecosystem programs, YOM incentivizes broadcasters, brands and studios to create and deploy immersive content on the network with ease, thereby creating workloads for our nodes.

Our tools and network allow studios and brands to save costs and time while still having the versatility of creating photorealistic experiences using familiar tools and then delivering that to end-users via any channel (e.g. app / site / broadcaster). They retain full ownership and control over their content and IP, allowing for true white-label and therefore improved creativity and flexibility.

All streams deployed on YOM can be embedded on any destination channel with a single line of code and integrate with any external system, imposing no further limitations in terms of hardware, platform or content requirements, enabling for ubiquitous gaming and by extension the 3D internet.

This comprehensive ecosystem approach, as visualized in the model, creates a sustainable and efficient network for cloud gaming and next-generation entertainment.

The Future is Flexible.

This Gitbook presents our manifesto, model and design for a grass-roots movement for a virtual future that is decentralized. It covers everything from governance of content to technologies. Additionally, it provides you with the tools necessary to create games or setup nodes. Hence, we recommend developers to visit the developer documentation.

Like the network itself, this whitepaper is co-created, so we encourage you, our community, to provide us with feedback and insights. Should you find any errors or omissions don't hesitate and let us know through our Telegram.

Last updated