Test Your Experience Locally

To test/debug your game and troubleshoot any issues, follow these steps:


  • If your player is not responding to 'wasd' keys or mouse movements, append the below mappings in the DefaultInput.ini file in your Config directory of your project

+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Look Up / Down Gamepad",Scale=1.000000,Key=Gamepad_RightY)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Look Up / Down Mouse",Scale=-1.000000,Key=MouseY)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Forward / Backward",Scale=1.000000,Key=Gamepad_LeftY)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Forward / Backward",Scale=-1.000000,Key=S)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Forward / Backward",Scale=1.000000,Key=W)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Right / Left",Scale=-1.000000,Key=A)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Right / Left",Scale=1.000000,Key=D)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Move Right / Left",Scale=1.000000,Key=Gamepad_LeftX)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Turn Right / Left Gamepad",Scale=1.000000,Key=Gamepad_RightX)
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Turn Right / Left Mouse",Scale=1.000000,Key=MouseX)
  • Go to Tools -> Your Open Metaverse -> Metaspace Settings and adjust the following settings:

    • Use Solana Devnet: If enabled, it will use the Solana Devnet. If disabled, it will use the Solana Mainnet.

    • Use Test Player: If enabled, it uses a test wallet. If disabled, it uses real wallets.

    • Spawn Default Player: Enable this if you want the player to automatically spawn. Disable it if you want to connect via pixel streaming before the player spawns.

    • Allow Guests: Enable this for pixel streaming testing.

    • Local Preview Images: Creates a local cubemap for the world's portal. Can be used for cubemap creation.

    • Test Portals: If enabled, it retrieves data from a fake portal.

Debugging with a Signalling Server

  • To setup PixelStreaming please see this (You might want to change the docs version as per your need). You can just start from Step 2 from the above link.

  • Make sure the Signalling server is running after you complete the above step

  • Go to Edit -> Editor Preferences -> Additional Launch Parameters and set it to "-AudioMixer -PixelStreamingUrl=ws://localhost:8888 -Log -res=1920x1080w". This enables audio, sets the pixel streaming URL, and opens the log.

  • Click the green play button, select the three dots, and choose Standalone Game to play as a standalone game.

  • Open you browser and goto http://localhost and click Play.

  • You should be able to now acccess your experience via the browser. Hurray!

  1. Checking Logs:

    • If any of the provided Actors or Components by Yom are not working as expected, check the Output Log for warnings and useful information. Open it by clicking on "Output Log" next to the Content Drawer in the bottom bar of the editor.


After pressing the play button, your selected character will spawn in the world. Make sure to add a Player Start to the level if the character does not spawn automatically. The character will have the inventory you selected, accessible by pressing 'I'. The default inventory contains an example item that can be spawned by clicking on it or pressing '1' on the keyboard. To modify the items in the inventory, edit the Plugins/YourOpenMetaverse/FakeResponses/testWalletResponse.json file.If multiplayer is enabled, you can test it by adjusting the Number of players in the play settings menu. For a seamless experience, ensure that any custom code in your PlayerController or GameMode is copied over to the MetaspacePlayer and MetaspaceGameMode, if necessary.Now, you're ready to unleash your creativity and design your own incredible metaspace. Enjoy the journey!

Last updated