Node Rewards

As the YOM infrastructure streams games, it will auto-benchmark the performance of its games running on the infrastructure and list this data on-chain. The rendering rewards are x$YOM/hr for each hosted user/connection (default: 30fps@1080p) for streaming/mining an average (benchmarked) game.

Most gaming machines, we call them nodes, will be able to host more connections concurrently, thereby providing an incentive for gamers to allocate heavier gaming machines to the network. A strong node may be able to handle 8 connections concurrently (receiving a total of ~ 8x$YOM/hr) while a weaker pc is just able to run less connections. In the end it comes down to how many connections (= users/u) you can stream on the lowest possible electricity costs. We therefore rewrite the formula for calculating rewards as x$YOM/u/hr.

The x in x$YOM/u/hr is determined based on a gradual evolution between two models:

  1. Cost-based Model. This will provide rewards based on a 2-20x profit margin compared to the global average electricity costs to stream games expressed in dollars and the price of YOM expressed in dollars. This approach is used to ensure that early speculative fluctuations in the price do not disrupt the initially weak internal economy and prevent initial nodes or projects from joining the network due to market inefficiency.

  2. Market-based Model. This model provides rewards based on free market economics, which is expressed by the increased proportion of streaming tokens in circulation (i.e. the strength of the internal economy due to game demand) compared to its own increasingly more scarce total tokens in circulation (due to burning). With an increased proportion of tokens circulating due to product demand we increase the market efficiency. With increased market efficiency there is less need for a cost-based approach to correct for speculative price movements.

Initially the weight is stronger on the cost-based approach. As more minutes get streamed and the price of $YOM gets to be more heavily influenced by its internal economy instead of outside speculation, we allocate a stronger weight to the circulation-based approach for deciding rewards.

For the market-based approach we define its weight by finding the ratio between the streaming tokens in circulation in relationship to the total circulating token supply. For deciding the weighted average between approaches we define the weight for the cost-based approach as 0.1%. This means that the more tokens are being used for streaming, the more dominant the market-based approach becomes.

Reward distribution

To determine the final streaming rewards, we need the following input:

  1. Base rewards -> x$YOM/u/hr:

  • The total circulating supply

  • The number of tokens circulating for streaming purposes

  • The price of $YOM (-> expressed in USDC)

  • The power usage of an avg. game (-> expressed in mWh)

  • A demand multiplier (-> 45+ fps @ 1080p, <15ms ping)

  1. Node performance -> multiplier: 1-8

  • The amount of connected users (-> 30+ fps @ 1080p, <15ms ping)

  1. Rendering difficulty -> multiplier: x%offset

  • Performance benchmark

After applying the distribution algorithm, the output returns x$YOM/u/hr, which is multiplied by the rendering difficulty and amount of connected users then distributed among all stakeholders according to the following chart:


Node rewards: 60%

You directly earn $YOM priced at $0.05 per player/connection you can render and stream. Powerful machines can stream to more concurrent connections.

Network fee: 35%

The network needs to be maintained and optimized. It is therefore only fair that we reserve 35% margins for those that maintain it.

Creator cashback: 5%

In order to accelerate demand for resources, a cashback is reserved for studios and creators who deploy their client projects on the network.

Last updated